2D Animation

2D Animation is one of my passions to work in, where I work on either character or props and animate them to do multiple tasks. With Procreate to Toon Boom Harmony, I have the experience and skills to animate whatever comes to mind.

Object Animation (2022)

Ball Bounce Animation (2022)

Alarmed Clock Animation (2021)

Preparing Tea Animation (2022)

Ball Bounce (2019)

Gravity Ball (2021)

Head Turn Across Upwards (2021)

DreamScape (2020)

Bird Flight (2021)

Dog in Pet Store (2022)

Head Bounce (2021)

Staircase (2021)

Gum Stuck (2019)

Ball Bounce (2021)

Head Turn Across (2021)

Egg Hatching (2021)

Valentines Run Away (2022)

Scared Character (2019)

Inertia Star (2021)


2D Animation

2D Animation is one of my passions to work in, where I work on either character or props and animate them to do multiple tasks. With Procreate to Toon Boom Harmony, I have the experience and skills to animate whatever comes to mind.


Alarmed Clock Animation (2021)

Preparing Tea Animation (2022)

Ball Bounce (2019)

Gravity Ball (2021)

Head Turn Across Upwards (2021)

DreamScape (2020)

Bird Flight (2021)

Dog in Pet Store (2022)

Head Bounce (2021)

Staircase (2021)

Gum Stuck (2019)

Ball Bounce (2021)

Head Turn Across (2021)

Egg Hatching (2021)

Valentines Run Away (2022)

Scared Character (2019)

Inertia Star (2021)